Ma Maison De Papier - Belgium
Marie-Laurence Bernard

Galerie de la rue de Ruysbroeck, 6
Brussels BE-1000 Belgium
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The shop Ma Maison de Papier was founded in 1968. Since the very beginning it was the first shop in Brussels dealing with vintage posters. Marie-Laurence Bernard is studying posters since 1979, writing several books and studies on the subject, as "Affiches Sportives en Belgique" (1980), "Catalogue raisonné" des Affiches d?Armand Rassenfosse"(1989),"Affiches de la Côte Belge" (1992) and lately "Saveurs & Plaisirs, trésors restaurés de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique" (2006). Following her extensive studies on the Belgian Art Nouveau Poster, and of Privat Livemont works in particular, she is now a world known source of expertise on the subject and is regularly opening her files to researchers from all over the world.

Ma Maison de Papier, situated in the center of Brussels, down The Sablons, an aera of antic shops and places where one can find the best chocolate in the world, is offering a large choice of 1900 posters amongs hundreds of others as well as vintage books and magazines on posters, vintage ephemeras and many more...

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